During the workshop: help and agenda

In this page, we are covering:

  1. Seeking help prior to Sunday - Slack
  2. Seeking help during workshop - TAs
  3. Agenda

1. Seeking help prior to Sunday - Slack

The workshop will start at 9 am.

I will arrive at the room 30 min earlier to help with any last minute issues.

During the workshop, we will not have much time to troubleshoot technical issues like software and package installation.

Please use the Slack workspace prior to Sunday to seek help and address any issues you may have.

2. Seeking help during workshop - TAs

During the workshop, we will have 3 to 4 teaching assistants (TAs) that volunteered to help (much appreciated!).

TA team:

  • Adrian Correndo
  • Dwarika Bhattarai
  • Pawan Basnet
  • Pratishtha Poudel

The TA team will assist with individual-specific questions like software not working properly, packages not loading, code not running, etc.

3. Agenda

During the day, we have scheduled 5 content sessions intertwined with 4 break sessions including lunch.

Here’s the agenda with times and activities:

Time Activity
9 to 10:20
(Session 1)
Agenda & housekeeping
R & Rstudio intro
Rstudio projects
10:20 to 10:30 Break
10:30 to noon
(Session 2)
Data wrangling
noon to 1 Lunch break
1 to 2:20
(Session 3)
Model assumptions
Model means
2:20 to 2:30 Break
2:30 to 3:50
(Session 4)
Pairwise comparison
Pub-ready plot
3:50 to 4 Break (tentative)
4 to 5 pm
(Session 5)
Iteration (tentative)