Hi there!
This is the welcome page for the 2022 CRSS 4060/6060 Advanced Topics in Precision Agriculture portion taught by Dr. Leo Bastos.
1. Overall Learning Objectives
The overall learning objectives of my part are:
Learn about concepts of spatial data quality control, project management, and reproducibility applied to precision agriculture.
Understand the difference between vector and raster data.
Understand the difference between different vector data types.
Learn about the importance and how to clean and process geospatial data.
Learn about interpolation methods, why they are useful and when they should be used.
Explore the concept of spatial and temporal stability of zones, and how to incorporate them into a recommendation.
Learn about different clustering analysis for management zone creation.
Create zone-based variable rate recommendation.
Understand differences and value of spatial layers used in PA, including yield monitor, soils, and satellite remote sensing data.
2. Agenda and Topics
This is a tentative agenda.
This can be changed/adapted to fit the speed that material is being covered.
More details will be provided as the classes progress.
3. Resources
If you need assistance, you can reach me at lmbastos@uga.edu.
If you are in Athens, my office is at 4115B Miller Plant Sciences Hall, feel free to drop by anytime.
After you start getting familiarized with R, here are some online resources:
- Geocomputation with R book
- Introduction to Spatial Data Programming with R book
- ggplot2
- dplyr
data transformation cheatsheet
- tidyr
data tidying cheatsheet
- sf
- Colorblind-friendly palettes in R
- Violin/density plot vs. boxplots
- File naming conventions
- Workflow maintenance